Sunday, November 28, 2010

Detoxify Your Body with Apple Cider Vinegar - Detoxification

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Weight loss tips to lose weight

Weight Loss Help and Tips

We often get the question: Are there any weight loss tips to lose weight fast and safe? The answer is definetely YES. There are many ways to lose weight without danger and side effects. Weight loss has 2 major routes. The first route is the fast route by taking one of those miraculous weight loss products or diets and the second route is to approach the whole process with a clear and sensible mind.

By taking the first route at the beginning you may see some good results but in the long term you will end up in a worse situation that you were before starting your weight loss efforts. This is mainly because:

1. Weight loss products that promise quick and dramatic results do not work as advertised. This is a fact. There are many reasons of why they fail but we are going to explain those in a separate post.

2. Weight loss should be specific and tailored to the needs of each individual. This is especially true for weight loss diets. You cannot just follow a diet given to your friend and expect to see the same results. What works well for one person may not work for another and vice versa.

3. If anything is too good to be true then it is a fake. If you are overweight for some years do you really believe that there is a magic way to lose the extra pounds in just a few weeks? If it was so simple and magic then the majority of the population would not suffer from obesity and people would not care about finding ways to lose weight. It is true that there are some cases that people managed to lose a lot of weight in a short time. It happens but this is only the exception to the rule.

The general rule is that in order to lose weight you may need a lot of time and you have to put a lot of effort and hard work.

Having said the above, the alternative way to lose weight is the healthy way. By adopting this method to lose weight you are guarantee 2 things. First that the whole process will do more good than bad to your overall health and second that you will not get the weight you lost back after a few months. The good think about healthy weight loss is that you know in advance that the method will work. It may take more time than adopting a chemical diet but the results will be solid and permanent.

Some ways to adopt for a healthy lifestyle are:

1. Forget about the rule of 3 main meals per day (breakfast, lunch, dinner). Your diet schedule should include a good breakfast, 3 small size meals (including snacks) with 3 hours interval between them and one lunch meal taken at least 3 hours before going to bed.

2. Do not exclude any nutrient or vitamin from your daily intake. This means that you should eat all kind of foods from the food pyramid.

3. Make fruits and vegetables your friend and sweets and fatty food your enemy. Trust your friends better than your enemy.

4. Eat a lot of water daily and do not rush to the fridge as soon as you think that you are hungry. Eat a class of water first and your hunger may go away.

5. Start moving. Find every excuse you can to move your body and be more active. Walk around the house, dig your garden, paint your house, do anything that makes your body move and spend calories. If you do like join a gym or buy a bicycle and take regular rides.

The above are just a sample of the things you can do to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Stay tuned for more healthy weight loss tips to lose weight.

Running for weight loss

5 Ways to Fight Fat This Thanksgiving

Can I Lose Weight and Enjoy Thanksgiving?

Fitness - Articles and Posts from ThatsFit
Lee Hodo As I write this Monday night before Thanksgiving, here are my thoughts about the big day and my plan of attack: Thanksgiving was always my favorite holiday. It's the beginning of the "holiday season," and the beginning of time off from work. What do I love so much about Thanksgiving? It's always been about the food. This year? I'm a little bit scared of it. As I'm writing this, I'm wondering if I'll be able to control myself this year. Will I be able to only take smaller portions? Will I be able to stay away from the desserts? Will I be able to get my fill and stop? Honestly, I don't know. But I think so. I really think I can do this. Here are the facts that I keep repeating to myself: The first bite of something will most often taste better than the last. Slow down and enjoy your food. You don't need a pile of dressing to know that it tastes good. Lord willing, this will not be my last Thanksgiving. I will be able to eat these foods again. I can have a small bite of pumpkin pie, and not half the pie. This isn't my last meal. Remember that sick feeling you got after Thanksgiving dinner last year? After every Thanksgiving? Not good. Control yourself. You don't want to feel that way again. The past few years for Thanksgiving, we've gone to a restaurant. One of those fancy buffets that have just about every different kinds of food and desserts you can think of. You kind of get into a mode of "getting your money's worth." I would get a little plate of salad too, just for appearances of course. This year the family decided to cook and eat at home again. I'm excited about this. I'm glad we'll all be eating at home this time around. It should be easier to control my portions at home. And it'll be easier to walk away from the table when I'm full. At the restaurant, I would finish and then I would usually start eating a little more or finishing the kids' plates. At home, I can just put my plate away and go watch the football game. So, here's my plan. We're going to get up Thanksgiving morning and go to the Dallas Turkey Trot. We'll be walking the 5K Fun Run portion of the event. We do it every Thanksgiving that we're home for, and we always have a lot of fun. I'm going to get small portions, load up on veggies, and - here's the most important part - slow down. I've always been a fast eater, but I'm going to slow down and really savor my favorite foods. I'm hoping that this will help me to tune into those hunger and satisfied triggers. That way I can get a little bit of all those things I like, and not over-do it. When it comes time for dessert, I'm not going to deny myself. But I am going to take smaller portions, and again, take it slow. I gained 0.4 pounds last week, but my fat percentage, hydration percentage, fat-free mass to fat mass ratio all improved. I need to re-asses my eating habits and focus on being more consistent with my exercise. And the really crazy part - two people last week asked me if I'd lost weight! To be completely honest, the question shocked me, then embarrassed me. I don't really like the attention (I know...I'm writing a blog. I should be used to the personal attention), but I was kind of proud that maybe the results are starting to show. I answered them that yes, I had lost some weight. I downplayed it some because I was embarrassed, but maybe I should've been more excited, more -- I don't know -- proud I guess. I am proud, but I guess I've been here before. As for after Thanksgiving... Well, the Turkey Trot went pretty well. It's funny because we've had high 70's, low 80's all week - until Thanksgiving morning. We woke up to rain and 50 degree coldness, yikes! The rest of my family has been battling strep throat all week, so they decided to skip it because of the cold and wet weather. So, I did the Turkey Trot alone. But that was okay, I still had fun. I wasn't really alone. There were several thousand other people there too. They blew the whistle to start the 5K at 9:00 a.m. By 9:12 a.m. I finally made it to the starting line. There were so many people and dogs and strollers it was really tough to get going. But pretty soon, it thinned out and I was able to get into a pretty good walking pace. I saw tons of turkey hats, a few people in turkey costumes and elf costumes, and only one guy running in his underwear. I narrowly missed stepping in dog poo a few times and made it to the finish line at 10:04. So I made the 5K in under an hour! Thanksgiving lunch went pretty well too. There was plenty of food, but I was able to keep myself under control pretty well. I probably still ate more than I should have, but I still think it went well. It was nowhere near as bad as it usually is. I had a plate of food, a small sampling of pumpkin pie, and I was done. We then went to see a movie, came back and watched the Cowboys lose, and then had leftovers for dinner. I wasn't hungry, but I still had a plate of food -- probably a mistake, but so it goes. One small victory - when we were leaving to head back home, we were handed a plate of leftover pie. I politely refused. So another holiday is through. I'm off of work for the rest of the week, so I've really got to focus on not snacking and eating all the time while I'm at home. It's easy at work, because I only bring food for the day and am able to spread it out. But I made a good start for the Thanksgiving meals, and I'm confident I can keep it going. More on Tipping the Scales: Eating Healthy is Harder Than I Thought The Art of Self-Control My Wii Told Me I'm Fat After decades of dieting only to gain it back, two That's Fit readers have decided to finally rethink their relationship with food and exercise over the next year to move toward a lifetime of fulfilling, healthy living. Come by every week as Ashley and Lee share their successes and challenges as they tip the scale.

Running for weight loss

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